Cats and a lil’ bit of a dog

  • The Washington Examiner
  • |
  • March 04, 2005

by Karen Feld


My constant companion, a toy poodle named Campari, was surprised to learn that man’s best friend has some competition. This elucidation came at a book party at Esther Coopersmith’s home to celebrate syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer’s latest book, “When Cats Reigned Like Kings: On the Trail of the Sacred Cats.”

Nabil Fahmy
Kasit Piromya

Kasit Piromya, Ambassador of Thailand, his wife, Chintana, and Nermine Abdel-Naby, the wife of the Egyptian Ambassador Nabil Fahmy, confirmed that cats have clawed their way to prominence in both countries throughout history.

Guests, including political satirist Mark Russell and his wife, Allie; Chan Heng Chee, the Ambassador of Singapore; and former FBI Director Bill Sessions and his wife Alice, who have a feline (actually from Egypt) named Tut after King Tut, traded cat tales – and even a few “cat house stories” – with kitty historian Geyer over chili and corn bread. Hostess Coopersmith related anecdotes of her travels to Burma with Geyer and presented the guest of honor with a stuffed rock ‘n’ roll cat. A good-natured electric guitarist meowed the crowd in his feline paws and hat since the cat suit Geyer brought him wasn’t for such a fat cat. Ironically, Geyer, who has a 14-year-old Japanese Bobtail named Nikko (after the Buddhist shrine in Japan) learned just last week – coinciding with publication of the book – that she’s allergic!

Karim Kawar

Unmixed signals

When H.E. Karim Kawar, Ambassador of Jordan, was asked what the difference is between Secretary of State Colin Powell and his successor, Condi Rice, he replied: “At least now we get the same message from the State Department as the White House.”

Kit Bond

Missouri Sen. Kit Bond, chairman of the beef caucus, offered a compelling (if not somewhat transparent) message – “Eat more beef” – at Roy Pfautch’s dinner party this week honoring two members of the Japanese House of Councilors, both members of the Democratic Party of Japan. Guests at the elegant dinner – including Gen. PX Kelley and his wife, Barbara; former Sen. Paul Laxalt and his wife, Carol; Missouri Rep. Bill Clay; and Amb. Dick Carlson – dined on a Japanese staple: fish.

More lobbying bucks

Bob Woodward

The National Music Publishing Association is putting its money where its mouth is and showing just how serious it really is when it comes to protecting intellectual property. We hear the group is not only spending big money but is opening a government relations office on Capitol Hill with experienced head honchos from both sides of the aisle including Intellectual Property Task Force Chairman David Israelite, a former aide to Attorney General John Ashcroft, and Alex French, Rep. Howard Berman’s Judiciary Committee guru on the subject.

Only in Washington

Is this the sign of a devoted investigative reporter? While many people play music, Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward said at Coach Kathy Kemper’s Info Public Policy Breakfast Roundtable, “I play Nixon tapes.”

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