Some of you who have met H. David Meyers, 60, over the years — and perhaps played on his baseball team, attended his pool parties or chamber orchestra concerts or singles and charity events at the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Theater or on the Sequoia, the former presidential yacht — may have wondered what the “H” stands for. Now we have the answer: It is for “Hiding” your identity when you are arrested. “H. David” is the same person you may have heard about recently as Herbert Meyers of Potomac, indicted in U.S. District Court on gambling and money-laundering charges. And for curiosity-seekers, he’s even got a party scheduled in Arlington for next Saturday evening.
The talented Janet Cam has made a transition from food and wine to stones and talismans. Cam, the former wife of well-known restaurateur Yannick Cam, showed her unique jewelry at the Massachusetts Heights home of real estate developers Beth Myers and David Lawson the other evening. Cam uses stones from China and Brazil and even incorporates the wearer’s birth date, time, place and desires when designing the pieces for both men and women. “The jewels give energy and light to face and body,” explains Cam. In case you want to know, pink quartz is for good relationships and smoky quartz for good health. Local customers include former Ambassador to Nepal Julia Chang Bloch, Global Options’ Neil Livingstone and arts patron Lizette Corro.
We’re sorry to learn that Eunice Kennedy Shriver,85, had a stroke a few weeks ago that affected her vision. She’s staying with her daughter Maria Shriver in the California governor’s mansion while she recovers.
There have been more emergency medical vehicles than usual stationed outside of former President Gerald Ford’s Rancho Mirage, Calif., home. That’s the desert resort community where streets are named after Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra and the like. The former president, who has been in failing health, is one of only two people still now living to have a street named af- ter him in Rancho Mirage. The other is entertainer Kaye Ballard, who told me when we discussed this the other day: “My blood runs cold!”
Ballard, by the way, will be in D.C. in May for the BookExpo America show at the Convention Center in anticipation of her amusing memoir, set for a September release.
Tennis pros Sherwood Stewart, Roy Emerson, Kathy Rinaldi, Virginia Wade, Marty Riessen and Dick Stockton will join Reps. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., Howard Coble, R-N.C., and Ed Whitfield, R-Ky., and former Sen. John Breaux, D-La., who was long the top player in Congress, along with Joshua Bolton, Dede McClure and other Washington power players at the annual Cystic Fibrosis Tennis Gala at the McLean Racquet Club on April 1. This event not only raises big bucks for a worthwhile cause, but is also one of the most fun happenings of the year. And the pros usually offer their partners some friendly strategy tips on the court as well.