Karen is one of the most facile writers and interviewers I’ve ever known. She has a wide range of access and a unique capacity for eliciting human and creative insights that escape most journalists. Her research is thorough and reliable, as is her reporting, whatever the subject of her interest. She’s an experienced, skillful professional.
Literary and Creative Artists, Inc.
Very well written! Thought-provoking, informative, insightful. Makes me want to read from this writer again and again.
National Federation of Press Women, 2019 Communication ContestJudge's comment, First Place, Feature Story
Karen is a thorough professional who enriches and enlarges every project she undertakes.
Walter Anderson, Chairman and Publisher (Ret.)PARADE
Beautiful and talented and witty and informed!! Karen Feld is all the good things a journalist should be: A thorough, careful researcher…a sparkling writer…and a black belt competitor. Plus, how many reporters do you know with a purse dog? She is one of the really great reasons to live and work in Washington. Knowing Karen is and shall remain a pleasure and an honor.
Jim Bohannon, HostWestwood One Radio
Karen is just what a new newspaper needed — instant access to the inside world of Washington politics and society from a recognized source. Karen is ubiquitous (as I discovered tagging along with her one night) and regularly covered multiple events a day personally and even more events and news via her connections. Always entertaining, Karen added tremendous value and flair to our new paper both in print and in person out on the party circuit. Karen was one of our best ambassadors for the Examiner with the power-brokers of the city in every category — government, business, society, nonprofits, entertainment, and beyond.
John Wilpers, Founding Editor-in-ChiefWashington Examiner
Karen, Thank you for taking the time to speak at The Creative Coalition’s Intern Speaker Series on June 27, 2018. Your talk was a true inspiration for our interns.
Robin Bronk, CEOThe Creative Coalition
You are a talented writer. Your stories make the reader feel they are sitting in the chair next to you listening to a talented performer. Great use of detail involves the reader. You brought her {Michelle Obama} to life.
National Federation of Press Women, Judge, 2019 Communications ContestKaren Feld shows over and over that she’s the ultimate Washington Insider. She gave her love and ideas and imagination to The Delta Shuttle Sheet. She combines a journalist’s eye and writer’s prose. It’s always a delight to feature Karen’s sharp, timely work.
Duncan Christy , Editorial Director (Ret.)The Delta Shuttle Sheet and Delta Sky
Karen always gets us great numbers! She brings new and enlightening information to our shows. Her comments on Election Night gave us the scope and depth we were looking for.
Janet Tegley, Senior ProducerThe Comcast Network, Philadelphia, PA
Karen moderated the panel seamlessly. The discussion was perfectly paced. You riveted the audience to their seats with a lively mix of general advice, specific details, and useful demonstrations. Audience questions were answered precisely and concisely, just right for the target group.
Tina Coplan, Crafts AmericaKaren’s column is always well-written, fun and filled with fabulous dish. She’s terrific!
Bob Madigan, "Man About Town" (Ret.)WTOP Radio, Washington, D.C.
This good-looking redhead has dish to spare!
Liz Smith, Syndicated Columnist, NYKaren is not only very knowledgeable about theatre in general but she gives a grounded solid constructive theatre review. She also takes the time to interview the actors and cover behind the scenes material combining both theatre criticism and broader information of interest to the theatre patron.
Carolyn Griffin, Producing Artistic DirectorMetroStage, Alexandria VA
Karen has become the ‘Washington Voice of Midwest America!
Larry Shannon, PublisherRadioTVDailyNews.com
Karen Feld gave our listeners solid, understandable analysis combined with her unique access to details no one else seemed to have. Having Karen on your show makes you look smart – and if you do have her on, you ARE smart!
Jim Bohannon, HostThe Jim Bohannon Show
Karen’s lecture, “Inside the White House and Congress,” was outstanding. She gave us a non-partisan idea of the real relationship between the most important Institutions of the United States and the Media. Those attending the outstanding lecture at my Café were struck by her professional ability and charm.
Oscar Bartoli, Editor-in-ChiefLetter From Washington
Karen Feld is a media star in every field – print, TV and radio. Her Capital Connections® features on Dateline Washington are always fresh, full of insight, entertaining and informative. We are proud to have her as a member of our team.
Jim Roberts, PresidentRadio America
Karen’s spirited participation and thoughtful arguments always make for great radio!
Alan Nathan, HostBattleline
Political insider and journalist Karen Feld covers Washington like Gap covers khakis. Her weekly Capital Connections column delivers the goods on everyone from Chelsea to ‘Dubya,’ also known as George W. Bush.
Web Reviews Access MagazineYour article on Cuba represents a rarity among the print media of today–an example of newspapering and reporting that has almost disappeared from the great days of the past. I commend you highly. If only more of such journalism were still in practice today!
Gene Gregston, Editor-in-Chief (Ret.)San Diego Union
In recent years, gossip has become a wider, more popular form of news-as-entertainment. An award-winning journalist on the speakers’ circuit, the blond, energetic Feld is herself an example of another phenomenon of modern American life — the media personality as celebrity.
National Federation of Press Women's Press Woman AgendaThanks so much for joining the FlipSide panel and sharing your personal reflections on some hard-hitting issues facing our country today. It was great fun to have you with us and I know our viewers were delighted with your wise insights.
Susan Molinari, Host, FlipSide with Susan MolinariAmerica's Voice
The great insight you offered, along with your unique style, helped make the show a success.
Peter Henken, ProducerFOX News Channel
Our visitors appreciate the glimpse you offered of what it is like to be a journalist. The feedback has been extremely positive. Your participation in the Journalist of the Day program was an outstanding addition.
Joe Urschel, Executive DirectorNEWSEUM
The opportunity for students to meet and talk with speakers such as Karen Feld is a critical component of the Foundation’s curriculum. Her rich personal experience in Washington, D.C. is something the students cannot find in a textbook and is a vital element in our efforts to bring the political process alive.
Charles Kaczynski, Close Up FoundationYour article is one of the best I’ve seen on the subject and your integration of our conversation is a fine piece of craftmanship.
Leonard Nimoy , ActorKaren Feld has won the trust and respect of Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, who appreciate her fairness and accuracy in reporting on issues, as well as her humor and flair in covering the lighter side of congressional life.
Hon. Kenneth J. Gray of Illinois, Congressional RecordYour story on Congressman Leo Ryan was fascinating. Despite all of the other pieces that have appeared in the last week or two, none had the personal touch of yours.
Jerry Ceppos, Executive Editor (Ret.)San Jose Mercury News
Vice President, News, Knight Ridder
I’ve long admired the diligent and reliable reporting that Karen provides. She’s a superb writer and a penetrating interviewer, and there’s no one who works harder to come up with the most revealing angle on a story.
John Andrews, PresidentShakespeare Guild
It has taken her decades of schmoozing at countless embassy dinners, White House receptions, National Gallery openings, and Kennedy Center opening galas, but Karen Feld believes the gossip she can produce today about Washington’s power brokers is worth it.
Richmond Times DispatchI was tremendously impressed by Karen’s material and the seemingly casual yet very professional way in which she presented it. The audience was leaning forward in their seats…
Jeanne Viner Bell, PresidentAmerican News Women's Club
I got more out of Karen’s speech than during a year of programs of professional pursuits.
Sarah McClendon, The White HouseGCA and its members thank you for stepping into “another world” with us and bringing a program presentation that many viewed as “out of this world.”
Nancy Riviere, Greeting Card AssociationKaren Feld has had an amazing career in the limelight and has many great stories to tell in her public speeches.
Shapiro International SpeakersAnything and everything you do is great.
Patricia Canole, Managing Editor, New York Lifestyles Magazine“Wow, I feel like I was there in a side corner observing with you, while reading your story on Stormy Daniels. Everyone should take a moment to strip with Stormy and relive the thoughts of those in the room that night.”
Cynthia Ballard Borris, author and syndicated humor columnistAfter that kind of introduction, any lawyer worth his salt would just rest his case. You can’t improve on that, Karen. Thank you.
Jim Wright, Former House Speaker(After Karen introduced him at the National Democratic Club, Washington, D.C.)