From sore throats to golden throats

  • The Washington Examiner
  • |
  • February 10, 2005

by Karen Feld


One of Washington’s best-kept secrets may soon be let out of the bag. According to former White House counsel John Dean, Watergate reporter Bob Woodward advised Washington Post Executive Editor Len Downie that “Throat” is very ill. When called for comment, Downie sent a cryptic message back: “You had one chance . . .”


He’s referring to my lead item, “Post columnist bumped in Pulitzer Sweepstakes,” in this column last week. Could it be that Posties have a cap on quotes? Of course, we hear the always prepared Ben Bradlee, who ran the paper during Watergate, has already penned the obit – just in case. After all, he’s one of the few people to know the identity of the renowned “Source.”


Singin’ for supper
Get ready to hear Willie Nelson, 3 Doors Down, Deborah Allen, Aretha Franklin and Isaac Hayes singing a different song — all public service on behalf of national Copyright Awareness Week. The week kicks off on March 14 with a bash at the Library of Congress’ Madison Building. So, listen up kids. Protect that garage band song that may make you a rich dude tomorrow!
Middle-age punch


Debuting next week, the new magazine “Sly” promises to be a hybrid lifestyle and fitness publication for men over 40 — and a boon to Rocky fans who just can’t wait for a sneak peek of “Rocky VI.” Not only does Sly Stallone grace the cover of the first issue, but you’ll see 33 images — some in ads — of the mega-star inside. Since celebrity doesn’t always translate into success, the publisher, AMI,(which also publishes tabs — the National Enquirer and Star) has committed to three issues before taking a second look.
Tell me the truth
Jazz fans are wondering why song stylist icon Nancy Wilson, 68, a fave at Georgetown’s Blues Alley, retired quietly last week after 50 years in show biz. . .

Publisher Judith Regan, who had a very public affair with Bernard Kerik, the controversial and ultimately doomed Homeland Security nominee, has rushed to get his book on the shelves by Memorial Day. Don’t expect a steamy beach read with graphic details of their relationship. Surely the very clever publisher has the final say on censorship.
The stinger: Platinum Theft?
Insiders say the Recording Industry Association of America needs a hit. Mitch Bainwol, a former aide to Sen. Bill Frist, was hired at $1 million plus to replace Hilary Rosen as Chairman of the trade association, but his GOP connections haven’t scored.

Although the RIAA spent close to $40 million last year on issues advocacy, their needle is still jumping the groove. One big concern is piracy (translate: illegal downloads). The Supreme Court is slated to rule on the Grokster File Sharing Case next month and, according to one source, “If they lose that case, they’re dead.”

Not taking any chances, the RIAA is hauling in big box office names. Don’t be surprised to see Barbra Streisand stepping up to the mike to testify. The Buzz: With their mutual concerns, might the RIAA and the powerful Motion Picture Association harmonize together? Stay tuned.

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