Vanity Fair scoops Post

  • The Washington Examiner
  • |
  • June 01, 2005

by Karen Feld

Washington’s best-kept secret is out. Woodward and Bernstein’s Deep Throat has “outed” himself in the July issue of Vanity Fair. W. Mark Felt, the number two guy at the F.B.I. in the early ‘70’s, says he’s the one who leaked details of President Nixon’s Watergate cover-up to the Washington Post reporters. Felt, now 91, and living in Santa Rosa, California, told all to attorney John D. O’Connor.

Felt, who was the FBI deputy associate director, was indicted in 1978 for approving other break-ins during the Nixon administration. He allegedly authorized raids without warrants to search for members of the Weather Underground. President Reagan pardoned Felt after he was convicted.

Dick Carlson, a former ambassador and prominent Washington personality, who met Mark Felt (now revealed as Deep Throat) in the mid-’70s, calls him “a cold and bureaucratic character.” At the time, Carlson, a reporter for ABC in Los Angeles, did an expose on the head of the FBI Los Angeles office (Wesley Grapp, who took a bank loan from a kidnap victim’s father), and Felt, head of investigations for the FBI, flew to L.A. to spend a couple days with Carlson. “He was a Hoover guy, an informant who talked to the press covertly. … He was a feared person,” said Carlson, who was surprised to find out that he was Deep Throat.

Dan Glickman, President and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America, Inc., just returned from Cannes Film Festival.

Glickman reviews Cannes festival

Dan Glickman, president of the Motion Picture Association, just returned from his first time at the Cannes Film Festival. While we were talking at Beth and Ron Dozoretz’s home (for a benefit to support St. Ann’s Infant and Maternity Home) the other evening, he described the routine as “two films a day with meetings in between.” Glickman says, “It’s glamorized because it’s ‘Can’ – as in Kan/sas [his home state] and not ‘Cannes.’ ” He told me his favorite film was “Match Point,” the new Woody Allen film, which he described as not being typical Woody, but “more like a [Alfred] Hitchcock film.”

Crowd gathers at Dozoretzes’ for cause

This time Beth Dozoretz was raising money for St. Ann’s rather than a Democratic political candidate (although she is helping Democratic governors these days). Tim Russert, Mark Shields, Marlene Malek, Rhoda and Dan Glickman, attorney/agent Bob Barnett and PBS President Pat Mitchell were among the high-powered crowd showing support. Dozoretz’s interest in the charity was sparked by her good friend, the late Washington Post columnist Mary McGrory. Beth said that her son, Josh, now 10 years old, started going to St. Ann’s with her six years ago – now, Josh brings along a half dozen of his friends to volunteer on a monthly basis. “My kids understand what it is to be open-hearted,” explains Beth Dozoretz. “They go there to meet the kids and become friends.” She added passionately, “It’s [service] deep in his soul.”

On to New Mexico and sports talk

Dr. Ron Dozoretz’s company, ValueOptions, recently landed the behavioral health care contract for the state of New Mexico – the couple is talking about getting another home in Santa Fe. … Political pundit Mark Shields was talking sports that evening – baseball and basketball – not politics. “I have a trick knee, but I can fantasize,” said Shields.

Stylish position available: Mag publisher

Those watching the magazine wars in D.C. are abuzz that Steve Mailman, the publisher of DC Style, resigned last week after only one issue. Apparently he and the owner, Dana Spain-Smith, had some differences when it came to advertising. We hear that many potential advertisers want to barter rather than commit cash as they wait to see how this new, luxe magazine competition shakes out. Calls were not returned.


The Sake Club on Connecticut Avenue near the zoo was well-protected over the weekend. The Don Rumsfelds – with security entourage – stopped by the innovative Asian bistro to grab a bite and then went on to Baskin-Robbins for ice cream.

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